DFT Study of the Alkali Metal Influence on Structure and Optical Properties of B12 Nanocluster.
Fatemeh Tahmaszadeh and Hamid Reza Shamlouei

Synthesis and Characterization of Structural, Magnetic and Electrical Properties of Ni–Mn–Zn Ferrites
Hosney Ara Begum, Nazia Khatun, Suravi Islam, Nurzaman Ara Ahmed, Mohammad Sajjad Hossain, Mohammad Abdul Gafur and Ayesha Siddika

Electronic and Optical Properties of Ramsdellite TiO2through mBJPotential
Jamal Sayah, Larbi El Farh, Hamza El Kouch and Allal Challioui

The Electronic Transport Properties of CuO and Zn Doped CuO Nanotubes
L.Muthaiyana, S. Sriramb and D. Balamurugan

Removal of Oxidative Debris from Chemically Functionalized Multi‐walled Carbon Nanotube (MWCNT)
Mohd Hamzah Harun, Nik Ghazali Nik Salleh, Mohd Sofian Alias, Mahathir Mohamed,Mohd Faizal Abdul Rahman, Mohd Yusof Hamzah. Khairil Nur Kamal Umar and Norfazlinayati Othman

Characterization of Optical Fibers Containing Nanoparticles Doped Rare Earth as an Amplifier for Telecommunications
Sabah Al‐ithawi
Sabah Al‐ithawi

Optical Gain and Confinement in Gaas/Algaas Structure Quantum Well Lasers
Hadjaj, A. Belghachi, A. Helmaoui

An Innovative Method for Measuring the Optical Band Gap of Oxidized Surface Layer of Aluminum Tablets based on Absorption Spectra
Kamal Kayed

Modelling of Silicon-based Electrostatic Energy Harvester for Cardiac Implants
Sakshi Koul, Suhaib Ahmed, Vipan Kakkar

Quantum Dot Cellular Automata: A New Paradigm for Digital Design
Bisma Bilal, Suhaib Ahmed, Vipan Kakkar

A Simple Monte Carlo Method for the Calculation of Efficiency Limit for Current‐Matched Tandem Solar Cells
Abderrahmane Belghachi

FET with Underlap Structure for Biosensing Applications
Claris C. J. W, M. K. Md Arshad, C. Ibau, R. Mat Ayub, M. F. M Fathil and Norhaimi W. M. W