Effect of Milling Time on the Microstructure and Dielectric Properties of Chitosan Nanopowder
Kartika Sari, Agung Bambang Setio Utomo, Kamsul Abraha, Roto, Evvy Kartini, Evi Yulianti and Edi Suharyadi
Kartika Sari, Agung Bambang Setio Utomo, Kamsul Abraha, Roto, Evvy Kartini, Evi Yulianti and Edi Suharyadi

Investigation of Wear Behavior for Novel Polyamide 66 Composites Under Dry Sliding Conditions
Orhan. S. Abdullah, Shaker S. Hassan and Ahmed N. Al-Khazraji
Orhan. S. Abdullah, Shaker S. Hassan and Ahmed N. Al-Khazraji

Nano-Particle Doped Polymers to Improve Contact Lenses Optical Quality
Lina M. Shaker, Ali H. Al-Hamdani and Ahmed A. Al-Amiery
Lina M. Shaker, Ali H. Al-Hamdani and Ahmed A. Al-Amiery

Characterisation of Laser-Treated Ag, Al, and Al/Ag Metal Thin Films Deposited by DC Sputtering
Aliyu Kabiru Isiyaku, Ahmad Hadi Ali and Nafarizal Nayan
Aliyu Kabiru Isiyaku, Ahmad Hadi Ali and Nafarizal Nayan

Removal of Phenol from Water Using ZnO Nanoparticles
Abdulkareem Hammoodi Assaf , Asmiet Ramizy and Ahmed Mishaal Mohammed
Abdulkareem Hammoodi Assaf , Asmiet Ramizy and Ahmed Mishaal Mohammed

The Effect of Inter Laminate Layer on Flexural Strength for Unsaturated Polyester Resin Reinforced Hybrid Fabric Composite
Hind W. Abdullah, Mustafa A. Rajab, Ziad T. Khodair and Jasim. Alkhalidi
Hind W. Abdullah, Mustafa A. Rajab, Ziad T. Khodair and Jasim. Alkhalidi

Synthesis of Calcium Phosphate: Influence of Sintering Temperature on the Formation of Fluorhydroxyapatite
Zudah Sima’atul Kubro, Setyanto Tri Wahyudi and Kiagus Dahlan

Digital Fringe Projection System for Round Shaped Breast Tumor Detection
W. M. W. Norhaimi*, Z. Sauli, H. Aris, V. Retnasamy, R. Vairavan and M. H. A Aziz
W. M. W. Norhaimi*, Z. Sauli, H. Aris, V. Retnasamy, R. Vairavan and M. H. A Aziz

Modeling of Tunneling Current of Electron in Bilayer Armchair Graphene Nanoribbons P-N Junction Diode Using Transfer Matrix Method
Intan Anjaningsih, M. Fulki Fadhillah, Lilik Hasanah and Endi Suhendi
Intan Anjaningsih, M. Fulki Fadhillah, Lilik Hasanah and Endi Suhendi

Effect of Nanoparticles and Fibers Types on Hybrid Blend Composite Materials Behavior of Epoxy and Phenol-Formaldehyde
Mustafa A. Rajab, Sabah A. Salman, Maher N. Abdullah
Mustafa A. Rajab, Sabah A. Salman, Maher N. Abdullah

Performance of Multi-Function Devices Fabricated from La2O3-Doped NiO Thin Films
Asmiet Ramizy, Abubaker S. Mohammed Isam M. Ibrahim and M. H. Eisa
Asmiet Ramizy, Abubaker S. Mohammed Isam M. Ibrahim and M. H. Eisa
The Adsorption of C2H2, C2H4, and C2H6 on Single Fe Atom Doped SWCNT: A Density Functional Theory Study
Meqorry Yusfi, Riri Jonuarti, Triati Dewi Kencana Wungu, Muhammad Miftahul Munir and Suprijadi
Meqorry Yusfi, Riri Jonuarti, Triati Dewi Kencana Wungu, Muhammad Miftahul Munir and Suprijadi

Spin Coating Technique for the Synthesis of Hexagonal CdxZn1-xS Decorated Pure ZnO Nanorods Arrays
Araa Mebdir Holi and Asla Abdullah AL-Zahrani
Araa Mebdir Holi and Asla Abdullah AL-Zahrani

Development on Mechanical Properties of PMMA by Blending it with Natural Rubber or Silicone Rubber and Reinforced by Nanoparticle
Hussein Mohamed Sadeq, Sihama Issa Salih and Auda Jabbar Braihi
Hussein Mohamed Sadeq, Sihama Issa Salih and Auda Jabbar Braihi

Structural, Optical and I-V Characteristics of ITO/p-Si Hetero-junction deposited by chemical Spray PyrolysisStructural, Optical and I-V Characteristics of ITO/p-Si Hetero-junction deposited by chemical Spray Pyrolysis
Salam Amir Yousif and Duha Ismail Khalil

The Effects of Titanium Dioxide (TiO2) and Reduced Graphene Oxide (rGO) Doping Ratio Variation to the Performance of Dye-Sensitized Solar Cell (DSSC)The Effects of Titanium Dioxide (TiO2) and Reduced Graphene Oxide (rGO) Doping Ratio Variation to the Performance of Dye-Sensitized Solar Cell (DSSC)
Afiqah Baharin, Siti Kudnie Sahari, Rafidah Kemat and Najwa Ezira Ahmed Azhar
Preparation of Polymer Nanocomposites and Their Application as SupercapacitorsPreparation of Polymer Nanocomposites and Their Application as Supercapacitors
Saba Thamer Mahmood, Abdullah Saleem Khazaal and Liqaa Husain Alwaan

Utilization of Olive and Pumice Stones to Improve the Thermal Properties of Cement MortarUtilization of Olive and Pumice Stones to Improve the Thermal Properties of Cement Mortar
Mais A. Abdulkarem, Dalia Adil Rasool and Baydaa Jaber Nabhan

Designs and Simulations of Millimetre Wave On-chip Single Turn Inductors for 0.13 μm RF CMOS Process TechnologyDesigns and Simulations of Millimetre Wave On-chip Single Turn Inductors for 0.13 μm RF CMOS Process Technology
Hao Wuang Leong, Kim Ho Yeap and Yee Chyan Tan

A Review on the Different Techniques of GaN Heteroepitaxial Growth: Current Scenario and Future OutlookA Review on the Different Techniques of GaN Heteroepitaxial Growth: Current Scenario and Future Outlook
Anis Suhaili Bakri, Nafarizal Nayan, Ahmad Shuhaimi Abu Bakar, Muliana Tahan, Nur Amaliyana Raship, Wan Haliza Abdul Majid, Mohd Khairul Ahmad, Soon Ching Fhong, Mohd Zainizan Sahdan and Mohd Yazid Ahmad