Improving the Optical Properties of Porphyrin Ring with Different Substitutions: As Candidate Using in Photosensitizer
Abbas Hamidi, Hamid Reza Shamlouei, Afsaneh Maleki, Bijan Mombeini Goodajdar

The Effects of Annealing Temperature Dependence on the Doping of Titanium Dioxide (TiO2) and Reduced Graphene Oxide (rGO) for Perovskite Solar Cell Application
Rafidah Kemat, Siti Kudnie Sahari and Afiqah Baharin
Structural and Morphological Properties of Cu1-xAlxO Nanostructures Prepared by sol-gel Method
Ziad T. Khodiar, Nadir F. Habubi, Antsar K. Abd and Ahmed M. Shano

Review on Strain Sensors for detection of Human Facial Expressions Recognition Systems
Noor Amalina Ramli, Anis Nurashikin Nordin and Norsinnira Zainul Azlan

Effects of Atmospheric Pressure Plasma Jet Treatment Duration to the Viability of HeLa Cells and Microtissues
Chin Fhong Soon, Mohana Phriya, Elfa Rizan Rizon, Intan Sue Liana Abdul Hamid, Naznin Sultana, Marlia Morsin, Kian Sek Tee, Gim Pao Lim, Mohd Khairul Ahmad, Nafarizal Nayan

Effect of Discharge Power on the Properties of GaN Thin Films onAlN-(002) Prepared by Magnetron Sputtering Deposition
Muliana Tahan, Nafarizal Nayan, Siti Noraiza Abd Razak, Anis Suhaili Bakri, Zulkifli Azman, Mohd Zainizan Sahdan, Nur Amaliyana Rahip, Ahmad Shuhaimi Abu Bakar and Mohd Yazid Ahmad

A Comparative Study of the Electrical Characteristics of Generating Argon Plasma in Different Inter-Electrode Spacing Discharges
Younus K. Jabur, Mohammed K. Khalaf and Mohammed Gh. Hammed

Aluminium Doping for Enhancing Charge Photoanode ZnO Nanorod for DSSC
Iwantono Iwantono, Puji Nurrahmawati, Sella Natalia, Romi Fadli Syahputra, Awitdrus Awitdrus, Zulkarnain Zulkarnain and Akrajas Ali Umar

Comparative Study of Transverse Vibration and Mechanical Properties of Aluminium, Al 7020 Alloy, and MWCNTs Reinforced Aluminium Nanocomposites
Mayyadah S. Abed, Adil Abed Nayeeif , Hayder Abdul Khaliq Ali , Mohammed Mahdi Jabbar

Wideband Non-linear Vibration Piezoelectric Energy Harvesting Using a Piecewise-linear Mechanism
Muhammad Harith Mustaffer, Roszaidi Ramlan, Wan Ahmad Faiz Wan Hashim, Mohd Nazim Abdul Rahman, Azma Putra

Synthesis of Chicken Eggshell Based Nanofluorapatite Using Sonochemical and Microwave-Assisted Precipitation Methods
Kiagus Dahlan, Yessie Widya Sari, Nur Aisyah Nuzulia, Dina Yauma Asra, Zudah Sima’atul Kubro, Miftakhul Hasan and Muhammad Fakry Alrasyid

High Power Capability of MoS2 Based Aqueous Electrolyte Supercapacitor
Mohamed H. Mohamedy, M. M. Sayed, Ninet M. Ahmed, Mohammed B. Zahran

Synthesis of Silica-coated Iron Oxide Nanoparticles: Effect of Particle Sizes and Silica Coating
Zhe Jia Ng1, Yeit Haan Teow, Abdul Wahab Mohammad, Kah Chun Ho and Swee Pin Yeap

Ammonia Free Cleaning Solution for Post-CMP Cleaning(Chemical Mechanical Polishing)
Muhammad Asyraf, Ahmad Termizi, Mohammed Ariff and Abdul Talib Din

Ab Initio Study of Optoelectronic Properties of VSb2 Compound
Siham Malki and Larbi El Farh

Fabrication and Characterization of Cu2O:Ag/Si Solar Cell Via Thermal Evaporation Technique
Alaa Nihad Tuama, Khalid Haneen Abass and Mohd Arif Agam